For those seeking a smile makeover, understanding the difference between veneers vs. crowns can ensure that you receive the proper treatment for your oral condition. We absolutely love doing dental makeovers for patients who feel insecure about their smile due to chips, missing teeth, discoloration, or unwanted gaps. It is such a gift to be able to watch them walk out our doors with a beaming smile that they’re confident about after getting a porcelain crown or veneers.
It can change your whole life when you feel good about your smile! Don’t believe us? Studies have shown that smiling activates the release of neuropeptides that can actually fight stress, which not only relaxes your body, but also lowers your heart rate and blood pressure.
At Inspire Dental Wellness, we use porcelain crowns and veneers to transform our patient’s smiles. However, we understand it can be difficult to know which is the best option. In this blog, we’ll go over the difference between veneers and crowns so you will know which is right for you!
What Are Veneers?
Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that get applied to the teeth to enhance the appearance of your smile. They also provide added strength and resilience so your teeth not only look great, but also work better than ever. Veneers are one of the fastest and most dramatic ways to improve your smile, and can address many issues, including permanent staining, cracks, chips, or gaps between teeth. For these reasons, if you’re asking yourself “crowns or veneers for front teeth”, you should go with veneers.
Some of the other benefits porcelain veneers can provide include:
- More uniform teeth – If you feel your teeth are misshapen or differently sized, veneers can make them more uniform and straight
- Unique customization – You don’t have to get veneers for your entire smile if you don’t need them. For example, if you have a chip or injury that only affects a few teeth, you can get veneers applied to just those teeth and leave the rest as is.
- Long lasting – Porcelain veneers will usually last between 10-20 years if you take good care of them. You need to brush and floss them regularly, and it’s also important that you keep up with your bi-annual cleanings to make sure everything still looks great!
- Durability – Veneers are quite strong, adding to their longevity and overall ability to not crack, chip, or break while in use. In the battle between veneers vs. crowns for a chipped tooth, veneers are most often the right choice.
What Are Crowns?
Crowns are also made out of porcelain and are placed on top of your existing tooth, so what makes them different from veneers? The difference lies in how they are placed. Veneers are applied to the front of the tooth whereas crowns are more like a “cap” that is made to fit over the entire tooth.
In addition to making your smile more attractive, crowns have plenty of more benefits, such as:
- Making your teeth stronger – Since a crown covers the entirety of the tooth, they make your teeth stronger than veneers would. We like to recommend porcelain crowns for patients who have severe decay, large fractured fillings, or past root canals. You’ll get the smile you’ve always wanted, plus you won’t have to worry about your teeth being weak or vulnerable.
- Color matching – Crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth, so no one will ever know that you have them.
- Long lasting – With proper care and regular check-ups, your crowns can last up to 15 years. We think that’s a pretty good investment!
- May be covered by insurance – As opposed to veneers, crowns may be covered by your insurance plan, which is always a huge plus.
Crown vs. Veneer Cost
In terms of cost for both procedures, insurance can definitely come into play. However, base costs for veneers and crowns vary depending on the amount needed, as well as if further work may need to be done before installment.
According to the American Cosmetic Dentistry organization, the cost for a veneer can range between $925 to $2,500 per tooth, and the price of composite veneers ranges from $250 to $1,500 per tooth. Crowns on the other hand can range in price from $1,000 to $3,500 per tooth.
It’s always advised to speak with your dentist and ask about certain plans that can be put in place before receiving either a veneer or a crown. It’s important to fully understand these costs beforehand, especially for larger procedures.
Schedule Your Crown or Veneer Consultation Today!
Are you considering crowns or veneers and want to learn more?
Inspire Dental Wellness in Orland Park is proud to provide restorative and cosmetic dentistry for the entire family. Whether your child needs a dental cleaning or you need to discuss a smile makeover, we want to be your dental team! Connect with us today to schedule your appointment or consultation.