
Inspiring Wellness, One Smile at A Time

How to Fix Stained Teeth

How to Fix Stained Teeth for a Whiter Smile

Do you want to know how to fix stained teeth? There are many different things that can cause stained teeth including food and drink, environmental factors and biological factors. No matter what the cause is, it can be disappointing and frustrating to look at your smile and wish it was whiter!

Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent tooth discoloration and treatments available to reverse years of tooth stains.

How to Prevent Teeth Staining

Understanding how to prevent teeth staining can keep your smile bright and white in between professional treatments. It’s always good to take action against tooth staining as soon as possible so you can protect your teeth and maintain a healthy smile.

Here is a list of methods you can use to combat teeth stains:

  • 1. Brush your teeth after every meal

Most people brush every morning and night. While it’s excellent to brush your teeth twice per day, it’s even better to brush after every meal – especially if you eat common foods that stain teeth like coffee, red wine, berries, or foods with artificial dye. Brushing right after you eat these foods can help remove stains before they set.

  • 2. Avoid foods that stain teeth

Frequently consuming coffee, tea, red wine, soda, deeply colored foods, and food with artificial dyes will stain your teeth over time. As we get older, our tooth enamel weakens, making us even more prone to stains. Avoiding food and beverages that are known to stain teeth will prevent discoloration now and later.

  • 3. Use a straw

If you don’t want to give up drinks that stain your teeth, you can drink them through a straw. The liquid won’t linger around your teeth for as long when you drink through a straw, so your teeth aren’t as susceptible to stains.

  • 4. Practice good oral hygiene

In addition to brushing after every meal, you should also be flossing, rinsing with an alcohol-free mouthwash, and visiting your dentist every 6-months for regular teeth cleanings.

  • 5. Quit smoking

Prolonged tobacco use is a major cause of teeth discoloration. There are many reasons why smoking tobacco is dangerous, and, thankfully, tooth discoloration is one of the less severe side effects. However, smoking tobacco can also lead to mouth ulcers, cancers, and more.

Teeth Discoloration Treatment

If you have not had luck with these methods for preventing teeth stains, or you’d like a more efficient solution, a professional teeth discoloration treatment might be the way to go.

Professional teeth whitening treatments are performed by dentists in their office. They will use professional-grade whitening solutions and tools to give you a whiter smile in as little as one session. Some professional whitening products may require a UV light or heat lamp to speed up the process or make the treatment last longer.

There are a few different types of discoloration treatments. The best one for you will depend on personal preference and what your dentist recommends is best. 

  • Whitening treatments use a hydrogen peroxide solution that effectively bleaches your teeth to remove stains.
  • Dental bonds are a layer of white resin that is bonded to your teeth.
  • Dental crowns are used to cover a discolored or damaged tooth.
  • Veneers are custom-made porcelain caps that can completely transform your smile to be brighter, whiter, and straighter.

There are many at-home whitening treatments available, but users should proceed with caution. It’s best to ask your dentist for advice first and go with their recommended course of treatment.

Inspire Dental Wellness

Inspire Dental Wellness is a leading dental office in Orland Park. Our team of professionals are here to treat and prevent teeth discoloration and help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us today for more information and to schedule an appointment.

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